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Welcome to the Lebanon Soccer Club

Fall Competitive Team Information

Consistent with Lebanon Soccer Club Policy, the purpose of Lebanon Competitive Soccer is to provide the youth of Lebanon and surrounding towns with a positive athletic experience while learning, playing, and enjoying the game of soccer, but at a more competitive level against other towns within the Northeast District. Competitive teams are intended for children who have a strong love of the game and a desire to improve.

This year, our competitive programs offered will be for U-10 boys, U-10 girls, U-11 boys, and U-12 girls age groups. These team focuses on developing more advanced technical and tactical skills. Practices are typically held two weeknights per week and home and/or away games are played each weekend. Teams may also opt to compete in tournaments at the coach's discretion. There are no playing time minimums for players on competitive teams. Coaches have sole discretion over lineups and player field time.

-Comp Teams are a higher level of competition then a Recreational Team
-Same number of games
-Same registration cost
-Generally same travel distance
-Must have white and blue jerseys (white for away games)
-Cannot have duplicate numbers on team
-100% player focus at practice is expected, comp is a faster paced level of play
-Game time is divided by skill level and team need per game.
-Games can be a mix of Saturdays and Sundays
-Score is kept, standings are kept and there may be playoffs
-Tryouts are typically always held in June for the next Fall Season.

Tryouts are mandatory for your child to be rostered on a competitive team.

Please know that you can always reach out to any board member, anytime. We are always available to help with any questions or concerns you may have.

Note: To sign up for tryouts, head to the home page of the website and fully complete registration, upload all required documents and submit your payment for the season. Your player must be registered first in our system to attend our mandatory tryouts. If you have questions regarding this please reach out to our club registrar at [email protected] or email [email protected].

Age Brackets:
If you haven't registered on the website yet please do so ASAP. Your registration is your sign-up for tryouts. Without fully completed registration (which includes payment), we cannot see your child in the system, therefore will not be on the tryout list.

U-10:    January 1 2015 - December 31 2016
U-11: January 1, 2014 - December 31, 2015
U-12: January 1, 2013 - December 31, 2014

Tryouts for Comp Teams are for the Fall Season. We do not offer a summer league with LSC. Tryouts are typically held before the school year is over for many logistical reasons. Once tryouts are over, you will hear from our board of directors regarding placement and then we will see you in the fall as normal.

Required For Tryouts: Players must wear shin guards during tryouts. They must also bring a ball, and a water.

LSC encourages any child with a little or a lot of interest to come for tryouts. If you are unsure if your child is suited for our competitive teams, reach out to their current and past coaches for feedback. If you are still unsure, please come out for tryouts for the experience. Coaches and board members will be on hand to answer questions about the program but will not be evaluating the players.

Your child only needs to attend one tryout to be eligible, but attending both tryouts offered will give our evaluators a better look at your player's skills. Friendly reminder, as with any fall season, there is no guarantee that there will be a competitive team under each age group following the competitive team try outs. Please don't let this discourage you from bringing your player out for evaluations. You also will not be obligated to accept if chosen for the team, and Rec teams will also be available at every age group.

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