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Lebanon Soccer Club “Soccer Talk” Coaching Tips
From the Lyman Soccer Coaching Staff Ryan Fabry, Mark Morello & Scott Elliott

During the season it is important that the kids encounter drill work/play that helps to develop the following: 

Receiving a ball correctly (with correct surface of body)
First touch - receiving a ball under pressure
Understanding the necessity of building out of the back (not just 'boot it on defense)
Learning how to open their hips and receiving a ball with their front foot
Tackling with the correct foot
Finishing (not shooting, but finishing)
Playing/practicing at 'game speed', etc.
Although important, the emphasis can't be on playing games all the time, technical development is a must.
Tactical awareness can be developed in both practice and games. Small sided games are a must (1v1, 2v2, 3v3, 4v4). They need to work on and implement some combination play in order to develop possession and keep the ball.

Some other key points:

Knowledge of the game and its rules (soccer IQ)
Strength and conditioning level
Ability to play multiple positions on the field
Development of both feet
Development of unselfish mindset
Understanding one's role in positioning
Understanding terminology 
Getting one's head up and developing 360 vision, checking shoulder, etc.

The attached 'soccer talk docs' were created and used by Coach Fabry to develop drill work around each term or concept so that kids would understand fully what it means to "step" or to yell "man-on" or "turn", "contain" etc. These are terms he found himself using frequently and felt it important to define his phrases for the kids he was coaching at the time. These can be altered and modified to your coaching style and the age group you are coaching if you choose to use them.

If you have any questions for him regarding any of the information provided, you can email him at [email protected]

You can find all of the exclusive to the LSC, coaching tips here: Coaching Documents

U6 Fall Curriculum 2020

U8 Fall Curriculum 2020

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